Saturday, July 27, 2013

Check what I got in store for you guys!

Check this mod list I have installed  and ready to do some recording (when Icon12 and Bobman18 are together to do some recording):
This was taken on my desktop, thanks to the program 'Snipping Tool'.

Bobman18 has came up with a new segment called "Video Game Talk", just saying whats going on in the Video Game world, example: Controversies. Thew first two ideas for it are: "Violence and School" and "Games taking Sex/Nudity away from games". But Icon12 does not know about this yet. So it hasn't completely come together yet.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Well I am going to try Twitch for the first time, and you should come and join me!!!!

I am going to play System Shock 2 (SS2), so I am going to record it too, so if you miss it I'll put it on YouTube.

I'll post the link here, (so you can go to it):

Oh all of this is happening the date has changed again, this time I (Bobman18) has family coming over, I just found out yesterday. So I really do not know an exact date, and I do not mean to do this on purpose. 

The Date: ??/??/13
The Time: ??:??pm EST

FYI red words mean new changes!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Hey everyone!!!!

So here is whats been going on 
with Icon12 and I.

Well I have been making videos, 
but I have became (same with
Icon12) lazy, so I am trying to
get out of it.

So here is the videos we have
done and that are made:

*Top 10 Xbox Fails
*Top 10 PS Fails
*Top 10 Nintendo Fails
*Let's Play "Marvel vs. Capcom and The House of the Dead 2"
*Trashing Video Games (A new segment)

Here is the new ideas:
*System Shock 2
*Doom 2 (Live on Twitch and record for YouTube)
*Review on NES games